aikido techniques pictures & movie clips

i like my aikido class. after a week stressful of work, classes, homeworks as well as personal affairs, 2 hours of getting thrown on the mat is strangely relaxing. i like the solemn but friendly atmosphere. all the students treat each other with respect, the advanced ones see in the new students all the mistakes and problems that they had before, and thus always try to help without the slightest contempt. the new students (me) look in awe as the more advanced ones performed techniques with elegance and swiftness. i like to feel the force that throws me on the mat when a technique is executed correctly, and i equally like the feeling of power and beauty when i finally get a technique right. half the reason that makes the class so interesting is that i have excellent sensei's. they explain things very well, pointing out what i'm doing wrong, and most importantly, they are very encouraging. i should remember to encourage students whenever i teach. the only thing that i can complain of is that we have only 2 classes/week. anyway, links time:
basic terminology of aikido techniques
here's an excellent site that has lots of pictures and movie clips
here's a good site for all things aikido
and finally, since we all love FAQ, here's aikido faq

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